Survey Construction

Submitted by: Laura Schmidt
School: Carver Elementary


In order to support the understanding of making bar graphs, students will use the computer to create graphs. Students will create a survey and reflection questions for classmates and create a bar graph using Numbers to represent the data.

TIPC Ratings

Students will use tools to powerfully display and interact with information. Students will have to analyze data that is collected through student created surveys.

Students will create surveys to collect information from each of their classmates. The data that is collected will need to be displayed in a manner that clearly communicates the results of the survey. The students work together to assist each other with their surveys and and final graphs.

The students generate a unique survey with each of the choices being related. The students take time to reflect on the data that was generated by the survey. The students also generate high-level questions that their classmates will need to answer about the data collected by their survey.

Students created original surveys and generated high-level questions about their survey data. The students also reflected on the process and what they would change for future surveys.

Student Artifact

Download Files

Click to download lesson documents.

  • Lesson Plan
  • Sample Post Survey Questions
  • Screenshot of student graph.

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