Persuasive Writing Commercials

Submitted by: Jamie Wolfe
Collaborators: Garry Marshall, Tamara Henley
School: Fairfield Middle School


During this two to three block lesson, students learn about the different persuasive techniques and gain experience in identifying techniques used in current advertising. Students apply knowledge of persuasive techniques to develop a 1-minute commercial based on a product that they choose.

TIPC Ratings

For the teacher, this lesson is entry. The teacher provides pre-selected resources to students. Students do not complete research as part of this project. However, they are asked to analyze information as they address an authentic task. This project helps with information literacy as it helps students understand how others persuade people toward doing something. Students will become more intelligent consumers of products, services, and information.

The teacher provides the best possible environment for collaboration. Students must work quickly and effectively within groups and may even recruit members from other groups during photographing. They share information orally and digitally as a group in order to complete the project. Students are asked to determine their own roles during the process. They reflect on their role within the group and their group as a whole.

Students are asked to solve an authentic problem by synthesizing knowledge to create a final product. The teacher utilizes questioning while teaching by activating prior knowledge. The teacher utilizes an exemplar to talk students through the thought process used when creating the exemplar.

Students are asked to create a commercial that sells a product to a target audience. To understand the target audience, they must synthesize existing and prior knowledge. They have the opportunity to get creative with the assignment individually and within the group. The students are asked to reflect on the creative process. The teacher has created and is assessing an environment where students are engaged in creativity and innovation. Opportunities for students to utilize 21st century skills are readily available.

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Presentation
  • Note Sheet
  • Water Droplet Exemplar
  • Sample Commercials 2012
  • Commercials Checklist
  • Planning Form
  • Poll Example

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