Exploring the Southeast

Submitted by: Ashley Norris, Lindsey Thompson, and Donna Compton
School: Baker Elementary


The students were divided into small groups (4-5) and chose 3 states in the Southeast Region of the United States to explore. Students had to conduct research to determine information based on the five themes of geography instruction: location, place, human-environment interaction, interdependence and movement, and region development. (For region development, students were asked to find out if there were any major cities within their states, in addition to the state capital, that contributed to the development of the Southeast Region.) To conduct their research, students were provided with a variety of text and websites to find their information. Students first recorded their information in paper/pencil format and then transferred their information to the computer in 1 of 2 ways. Option 1: Create a Keynote or Pages presentation including all of the information to present to the class. Option 2: Create a video recording sharing all information to present to the class. (Video inserted into Keynote or Pages). Students were also expected to provide pictures relevant to their states.

TIPC Ratings

This lesson is Approaching in Research & Information Fluency. Students responded to a class assignment that prompted the analysis of information. Students were provided with appropriate resources and had to search for information relevant to the location in which they were researching. Students assembled the information collected into a Pages document with video to present to their classmates.

This lesson is Approaching in Communication & Collaboration. Groups were randomly selected as students drew various states from a hat. Students had to find group members and establish everyones role in the group. Students communicated the information they found through Keynote or Pages. Students also had the option to communicate their findings through Photobooth and then transfer their video clip to either Pages or Keynote. The finished products were then posted on the class blog for the 5th Grade students to reflect on each others products.

This lesson is Developing for Critical Thinking & Problem Solving. Students had to respond to higher order questions and elaborate in their presentations. They used Photobooth, Pages, or Keynote to present their solution to the assigned problem.

This lesson is Approaching for Creativity & Innovation. Students were provided choices as far as how they would like to present information. The students analyzed trends in their research to create meaningful original work within the assignment parameters.

Student Artifact


Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Research Document
  • Student Work Samples
  • Project Photos
  • Class Blog

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