Submitted by: Karen E. Thomas
School: Brookland Middle School
Science is ever changing. In this lesson, students will use research skills to learn about the scientists who are responsible for the development of the Cell Theory. Students will then use that information to create a timeline illustrating the development of the theory and the contributions from specific scientists. The overarching goal of this lesson is to show students how timelines can be used effectively in Science and how Science research can change the way we view and study the world around us.
TIPC Ratings
This lesson scores in the Ideal Target range of the TIP Chart for both teacher and student. In this lesson, the teacher asks students to use their research skills to find information on the scientists responsible for the development of the Cell Theory. Students were not directed to specific websites, but were allowed to use either OneSearch or Google and previously taught research and information fluency skills to gather the data required to complete the timeline. Students then took that information and synthesized it into and authentic task.
This lesson scores in the developing range of the TIP Chart for both teacher and student. Students divided into groups of 3 or 4 and established roles and responsibilities for each team member. As a team, students began by researching the men of the cell theory using OneSearch and Google. When the timelines are completed each team presented their findings to the class.
This project would not be scored in critical thinking and problem solving as it does not lend itself to this particular category.
This lesson scores in the Ideal/Target range of the TIP Chart for both teacher and student. In this lesson, the teacher is asking students to engage in the creation of a timeline but does not dictate what format to use for the development of that product. Students collaborated to gather and synthesize the research and then created original timeline products using Moviemaker, Activ Inspire and Word.
Student Artifact
Download Files
- Lesson Plan
- Student Work – Flip Chart
- Student Work – Video
- Student Work – MS Word