
Submitted by: Michelle Bernstein

School: Ratcliffe ES


The students will create their own piece of art to represent joy. The student will select from a variety of mediums. The children will photograph the art created and record themselves explaining their work.
The children will need to:
Research and Identify works of art that represent joy in children’s literature.
Discuss with classmates reasons why it was a selected as a piece representing joy.
Represent joy visually using self selected materials
Be able to explain artwork and why he/ she chose to use certain materials/ colors/ lines etc.
Photograph and record his/ her voice explaining work.

TIPC Ratings

This lesson is in the Developing category in Research and Information fluency, because the teacher of this Kindergarten class chose the sources for the students to use to build background knowledge.

This lesson is in the Developing Category as well, because the work created by the students was not shared outside the classroom.

For Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, this is in the Approaching category. Students reflected and justified their work on the iPads using voice over in the ShowMe app.

This lesson falls into the Approaching Category. The artwork created by these students was meaningful and original.

Student Artifact

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