Ten Thousand Tables – A Virtual Furniture Design Project

Submitted by: Shawn Gross

School: Deep Run High School


Furniture has been a part of the human experiences since early man gave up his nomadic lifestyle. Furniture serves a function or need. Furniture can be a product of design. In addition to furniture’s functional role, it can serve a symbolic or religious purpose. As times change, so does furniture design. In this project, the students will explore, in depth, a furniture design or period using the following scenario:

Your groups are the owners of a small design and build furniture company. I have approached your company about building small tables for my hotel chain. I will need 10,000 tables for my hotel rooms. I have several companies scheduled to present their ideas to me. Your job is to:

• Educate me about your furniture style or period.
• Create a table design in that style that will appeal to me.
• Determine the materials cost for each table.
• Present all the needed information to “sell” me on your idea.
• Create a notebook with hard copies of all your work.

TIPC Ratings

This lesson is approaching as students are researching information using the Internet and written sources and are required to document all of their sources in MLA style.

This lesson is approaching as students are working together to both research and produce their projects. Students will use a collaborative Google Doc to assess the products produced by each of the other groups.

This lesson is approaching as students will create an educational PowerPoint (with a focus on using the Notes feature of the program to expand on their topic when presenting), the design of the table in Google Sketchup, and determine material cost for one table and for 10000 tables. This is an authentic problem requiring real world solutions.

This lesson is approaching to near target as the students will design the table using 3-D modeling in Google Sketchup and create engaging PowerPoint presentations that focus on substance and style. Students are creating meaningful and original work with the ‘virtual furniture design’ project.

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Project Overview for Students

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