Digital Critique

Submitted by: Karen Gage
School: Deep Run High School


The lesson is an effort to promote collaboration among classmates, creativity, the use of technology, and critical thinking skills in Advanced Photography class. Students will participate in a class discussion on photographing successful images primarily in the genre of landscape. They will then research images of published photographers for inspiration prior to a field trip to Maymont Park.
On the day of the trip students will pull from past knowledge and the recent discussion to capture imagery that can be deemed successful (good composition, content, and exposure).

Once back in the classroom students will utilize industry standard software and hardware to upload, select, and edit their chosen image for an online Digital Critique. Using a Google Doc created by the teacher and shared with the entire class; each student will add their image along with an accompanying artist statement describing the work and its elements. Upon completion of the Google Doc, students will review each other’s work and post comments in the Doc as far as compliments, suggestions, and constructive criticism; it also allows students to refer back to comments for future works. The final product or Digital Critique Google Doc will be a compilation of research, performance, and community applicable to any scenario where students share ideas and information.

TIPC Ratings

This area is approaching. After class discussion, students take information presented by both teacher and peers to research the work of published photographers for inspiration and ideas to considered when shooting their own photos. Tools utilized are anything from internet sources (online photographer portfolios and refined image searches) to publications like the National Geographic.

Students select appropriate tools prior to capturing their images. They must select an image capture device (film or digital) consider the use of tripods, lenses, and external light sources all for the initial image capture. The actual shoot is a testament to collaboration among students, sharing ideas, setting up shots and making connections. Sharing these images in the form of a Google Doc allows students to access the online information from home as well as school and promotes communication and collaboration regardless of physical distance. In terms of collaboration and communication, this lesson is approaching.

Once out it in the community (specifically Maymont Park), students are asked to create images from the environment surrounding them. The tools they use to create these images are their choice as is the technique used. For example, students photographing the waterfall must make the decision to shoot the moving water capturing elements of freeze motion or blur motion. Once that decision is made, students then adjust their camera settings accordingly (often through trial and error) to effectively capture that photographic technique. The critical thinking and problem solving are at the approaching level.

This area is approaching to nearly target as students take into consideration imagery from their research and apply it to a new location to create an original work. Innovation is fostered through environmental elements that force students to create and try new things. The images selected for the Digital Critique Google Doc are also accompanied by an artist statement describing the approach and goals of the work. This element of self-reflection is furthered by comments posted on the Doc by peers.

Student Artifact

Download Files


    • Henrico 21 Lesson Plan (with a link to student artifacts


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