Conflict and Character

Submitted by: Beth Berry and Lindsey Leeth
School: Deep Run High School


Students work in pairs to present a nomination for Time magazine’s “Person of the Year.” The nomination format consists of three components: 1) a short editorial essay that explains the students’ personal beliefs about the connection between conflict and character, 2) an oral and visual presentation of the group’s nominee based on research and comparison, 3) a mock front page of Time declaring the nominee as “Person of the Year.”

The nominee must be someone from a work of literature, current events, history (the cover will be for the appropriate year), or from the students’ own personal life experience. This person or character must be one who has faced conflict and embodies the character traits the students feel are important to being a good citizen. As the students document their candidate, they must show his or her character strengths through comparisons with the characters we have covered in our readings, as well as with history and personal experiences.

The students then present the nominee to the magazine staff (their class), and the presentation format is up to the students. One nominee from each class will move on to the final panel (made up of school administrators, department leaders, etc.) and one nominee will be named “Person of the Year.”

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Students research biographical information about their nominee as it pertains to conflict and character. They are also documenting their sources using MLA format.

Students choose their own presentation format, work in pairs, decide as a group the class nominee, and then experts from outside the classroom choose the final nominee.

Students must develop their own point of view regarding the connection between conflict and character before researching and presenting a person who embodies this point of view.

Students synthesize existing and self-generated knowledge to create new ideas and products within and beyond assignment parameters.

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  • H21 Lesson Plan

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