Keith Haring 4 Square

Submitted by: Amy Bristow
Collaborators: Michael Price
School: Skipwith Elementary


This lesson is a four art period exploration of the artwork of Keith Haring.  First, the students drew Keith Haring style dancing characters.  These were then photographed and used as avatars on VoiceThread.  Using these student created avatars the students then comment on many of the iconic Keith Haring compositions.

The students were given images of the artwork before they went to the computer station to comment.  The studnets were also encouraged to talk with other studnets and review the website

Using VoiceThread students could look at the artwork and  either:

1. Tell a story and start with “once upon a time

2. Answer the question under the picture with a complete sentence

3. Describe what you see. “I see…”

This lesson forced students to interpret and analyze works of art and to defend their interpretations using appropriate art vocabulary.

TIPC Ratings

This lesson would be in the Developing category.  Students were using preselected information and responding to a class assignment that prompted analysis of that information.

This lesson would be in the Developing category.  The students are using a teacher selected digital tool and working in teacher defined groups to complete this assignment.

This lesson would be in the Approaching category .  Students are responding to purposeful questions.  They are having to justify their decision-making process.  Also, critical evaluation of art requires higher order thinking skills.

This lesson would be in the Approaching category.  Students were using their personally created avatars to represent themselves as they synthesized information about an artist and his work.  Students were looking for trends as they analyzed the works of the artist.

Student Artifact

Link to Student VoiceThread

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  • Keith Haring 4 Square with VT

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