King Arthur Terms

Submitted by: Ms. Bashaw
School: Short Pump Middle School


Students were divided into teams and created a Google Doc and a Google Presentation as two shared documents for their group! Each team was given one vocabulary term from King Arthur times to research and develop a brief presentation that included 3 higher level thinking questions as well as 2 cool facts (additional student developed questions) to enhance whole class understanding of these pre-reading terms.

TIPC Ratings

Approaching (5): The teacher provided 3 initial questions to help steer and support the students as they developed their questions to be answered. The students organized the information they acquired in a google doc. Most of the students used a table which listed the question, the information that answered the question, and the source on their google doc. The teacher had previously encouraged the use of google advanced search, and was heard referring to the readability of a site and possible using other sources.

Approaching (5): Students worked in their groups initially on their research. The students establish roles and questions to be answered by specific group members. This organization and role establishment continued into the presentation as some groups had specific slides per individual. Within the group, they peer assessed and evaluated their content and design.

Approaching (4): The students created their own questions further developing the initial teacher developed questions. Many of questions steered the students to make a connection between their topic and how it applies to the life in the 21st century

Developing (3): Students created their presentation as they thought would best explain their topic. Because of the need for collaboration, the students used google docs which essentially limited some of their creativity.

Student Artifact

Student Presentation (ppt)

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Lesson Plan


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