PEMDAS Music Videos

Submitted by: Neeley karkosak
School: Gayton Elementary


Students will learn about the order of operations which is a basic math principle that will be used later in more complicated math problems.  Students will evaluate whole number numerical expressions using the order of operations limited to parenthesis, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.  These will be refered at PEMDAS.  Because this is a hard concept for students to remember, students will take the knowledge of this operation and create PEMDAS music videos explaining the order of operations.  Students will work together to create this group video.  This will be done with 4 math sections (classes).  Students will perform their music skit in front of their peers.  Students from each class will vote on their favorite musical skit.  The winners from each class will be video recorded on a separate day by the ITRT and create their music video.  These videos will be posted on my blog for other classes to access and help their students learn PEDMAS as well as being played on  the school announcments.

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This lesson fallls within the entry (1) level. Students had to find information provided by me and within their own notes and text book.

The lesson allowed students to form their own groups. Students decided on their own who would do what and kept track of their own progress. Digital tools were used to collaborate and enhance their projects. Students communicated their votes through a digital medium for accuracy and privacy.

Students had to justify their decisions with their groups in order for their ideas to be accepted by others. Students thought about questions to ask the group when they weren’t sure about an idea. Digital tools were used to enhance their projects and in some cases were a major component of their projects. Students had to solve an open ended authentic task which was the skit/video for other to learn about PEMDAS. Students reflectived upon the other projects to give feedback on what they liked and what could be improved.

Students synthesized existing knowledge to create an authentic product Students took a chance on what they thought others may like. They later reflected on other projects to see what could be improved

Student Artifact

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  • Lesson Plan
  • Rubric

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