Submitted By: Ellen Jewel
Collaborators: Peggy Ingram
Target Grade/Subject: 6th Social Studies
Length: 90 Minutes
Collaborators: Peggy Ingram
Target Grade/Subject: 6th Social Studies
Length: 90 Minutes
Lesson #: 2377
Summary: Students groups rotate through six stations with varied review activities to prepare for their marking period one test. Students used flipcharts, digital cameras, google docs, online games, manipulatives and other hand-on activities. Station topics: Play-doh Maps, Test Writer, Make It and Take It, Computer Games, Basketball, and the Hidden Picture Game.
TIPC Ratings
This activity was a post-research review.
Students brainstormed and determined as a class their preferred/best review station activities. While participating in the review stations, students had to define their own group roles and establish norms based on each station’s activity and purpose. Students reflected on their learning in teams in order to determine what review activities impacted their learning the most after taking the MP1 assessment.
Students were charged with solving the problem: What test review strategies lead to the best performance on quarterly tests? Students used digital tools (ActivEngage, Google Docs) to brainstorm review ideas and generate questions to solve the problem. One of the review stations required students to use a google form to submit their own test questions. The student questions had to be challenge questions and operate in high levels of Bloom’s taxonomy in order to create appropriate test questions. Several submissions were written so well that they were used as part of the subsequent MP1 test. Then students reflected on their learning in order to determine what impacted their learning the most. Students benefited from reflecting on this process after taking their MP1 test as they determined what activities worked and which did not (based on test scores).
Students had to synthesize knowledge gained over MP1 in order to devise the review stations, create test-review manipulatives and write appropriate test questions/answer choices. Students benefited from reflecting on this process after taking their MP1 test as they determined what activities worked and which did not (based on test scores).