Submitted by: Lindsey Martin
School: Varina High School
Students will use this activity to enhance their knowledge of colonial America after studying various writing styles and literary works of the period. Using the chat room feature on SchoolSpace, students will answer short questions as if they are Puritans, slaves, and southern planters. Ultimately, students will create a fictional character from the time period and use the chat log to write a journal entry and build a digital presentation about the character’s life.
TIPC Ratings
Approaching – Students used information and resources to assemble journal entries and digital presentations. Students chose the most appropriate digital tools to construct a digital presentation. This is considered approaching range, because the chat room responses and project were student-directed with an assigned topic.
Approaching – Students communicated collaboratively through the chat room to create an original journal entry and digital presentation.
Approaching – Students used critical thinking to generate responses to prompted questions in the chat room. Students were asked to justify their responses in the chat room and choices for the characters they created in their project.
Approaching – Students analyzed writing styles characteristic of three groups from colonial America to make predictions about how they may have responded to certain questions. Using a set of guidelines, students created original journal entries and digital presentations.