Zapd Regional Web Sites

Submitted by: Nancy Pierpont
School: Fairfield Middle School


After placing the major cities in the correct state and region on their maps, students used the iPod app “Zapd” and “Safari” to create a web site on the cities in a particular region. Students used the library computers and the iPod Touch to research important historical facts about each city a nd find images. They then used their information to create a web site within the iPod app.

TIPC Ratings

Students used digital tools provided by the teacher and answered questions posed by the teacher (what are important facts about each city?). Students choose their own sources of information while looking for city facts and pictures, however there is no direct evidence that students are evaluating websites to determine accuracy and authority of information.

Students are working in teacher-selected partner groups to complete the class assignment using the iPod and computer. There is no evidence that students establish group norms or form teams to address an authentic task.

Overall, this lesson scores in the entry level as students are directly responding to a teacher question (list important facts about major U.S. cities). Students are not being asked to justify decision-making or problem-solving practices. The task is to list important facts, which is a lower level of analysis.

Students are able to create their website however they wish while remaining within the assigned parameters of what components to include (facts and pictures). The work created is original, however, students are not analyzing trends or making a prediction to inspire a new solution. Overall, this falls in the “Developing” category.

Student Artifact

Browse through the four sites below to see student samples.

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