Science Social Network

Submitted by: Michael Price
Collaborators: Jill Baedke
School: Short Pump Elementary School


In an attempt to extend the classroom and tie science instruction together in a safe online package, I have developed a science wiki on Pbworks that houses an overview of the entire Virginia 5th grade science curriculum. This site serves as protected online science social network and holds links to the student textbook along with related Unitedstreaming videos and Discovery Science activities. It gives students a directed collection of information on each science topic that we cover in the science curriculum. Students also have a safe forum to collaborate and share science information. Developing that collaboration thread, I run student based projects off of this site. This lesson is one of those projects. Students were paired with students from other classes and directed to complete this project inside an online social network that I developed and monitored. Inside this network students recorded their research and shared their information to create their final product.

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Student used a variety of teacher selected online resources to complete the task. They then had to decide which online medium to use to create their advertisement.

Students were challenged to use an online teacher developed social network to communicate and research the project. The lesson worked as a primer for future online learning in the classroom.

Students collaborated, using information they researched to develop an original commercial to entice someone to buy their element.

Students worked together, to share ideas in an innovative way. They used what they learned to creatively sell their element to other students on the “Science Social Network.”

Student Artifact

Student Artifacts found in Download Folder

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  • Lesson Plan
  • Student Artifact 1
  • Student Artifact 2
  • Student Artifact 3
  • Student Artifact 4
  • Student Artifact 5
  • Student Artifact 6
  • Student Artifact 7

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