Submitted by: Joy Herod
School: Longan Elementary School
While studying the Southeast United States, the students showed interest in the musical genres of this region. As there was not much material on this topic in curriculum materials, students wanted to create their own presentations to add to the textbook resources. To create their presentation, students researched a musical genre using websites, books, media, and personal communication. In mixed ability groups, students evaluated and synthesized their findings. Students generated
questions for current musicians living in Nashville, New Orleans, the Appalachian Mountains, and Richmond. These questions were answered in interviews occurring in both real and non-real time using email, videoconferencing, and live interviews. Collaborative groups then selected a technology application to meet the needs of their final presentation. Students used innovative thinking to develop a presentation that would be educational and engaging for their peers both in the classroom and across the nation. Collaborative groups reflected on the success of their
presentation using a rubric. These presentations were uploaded to the textbook correlated website for teachers across the nation to use
TIPC Ratings
Target: This lesson falls into the target category of the rubric. Students researched a musical genre of their choice using multiple resources to assemble and synthesize information. They also used tools to powerfully interact with the information gathered.
Target: This lesson falls into the target category of the rubric. Students were communicating and collaborating with experts across the region under study via video-conference using questions generated from their research. They worked in self-selected groups with self-defined roles to complete all portions of the project.
Target: This lesson falls in the target area of the rubric. Students selected the tools and strategies they would use to accomplish an authentic task. They reflected on their process and noted areas that could be improved.
Target: This lesson falls into the target area of the rubric. Students synthesized their background information and information gathered via their research to create a new innovative product.
Student Artifact
Music of the Southeast Region from HCPS Instructional Technology on Vimeo.