Mission Possible – Art Students as Teachers

Submitted by: Vicki Kolar
School: Mission Possible/Art Students as Teachers


Art 1 students will begin by forming collaborative teams, creating a team name, and designing a file folder/graphic organizer for recording evidence of their projects. Groups will also use innovative thinking to construct a wearable and original team symbol from various resources. Each group will then receive a “Mission Possible” envelope which contains a surprise menu of Art topics (contour line, gesture drawing, human proportion) to explore, comprehend and teach. Students will then identify and select their plan of action to begin research using their choices of digital tools and various other resources, such as books and visuals. Teams will then communicate on how to best evaluate and combine their research in order to produce an original work or a combination of original works, which will assist them in teaching their chosen Art topic to their peers. The selection of technologies and other visual and/or auditory resources are completely decided on by the Art students with technical and Art support from teacher, Ms. Kolar and Holman ITRT, Ms. Owens. Support is given through a series of open ended questions starting from teacher but then students will use them in their own discussions after acquiring knowledge through research and reflection. Emphasis is on each team coming to the conclusion that their goal was to create a variety of products (digital and other) that teach the Art topic by engaging the audience (peers) with student led activities and challenges. Students will reflect on their achievements as a team and will evaluate which “teaching Art” activities had value to their audience of peers.

TIPC Ratings

Students were given some resources that they could use but deciding what to research and how to research it was left totally up to the groups. Through group discussions with the teacher, students had to justify where they got information, why it was a reliable source of information, and then how are they going to use that information to accomplish their goal.

Students are forming collaborative teams, to make decisions based on the task assigned. Students create roles and tasks for each member to complete. Group meetings were held periodically to allow for reflection on the completion of work and the direction of the created lesson. The teacher will participate in meetings to challenge students with open ended questions about their topics or methods.

Students were challenged to take an art topic and create an engaging lesson for other students. During this process students had to work through, evaluating the important knowledge that would be conveyed during this lesson, developing the appropriate initial instruction, creating interactive activities, and designing an assessment to show student understanding of their topic. All of those pieces created an authentic lesson entirely student created. The rubric used to judge this project was also student created.

Students used innovative thinking to combine prior knowledge, research, and instructional strategies to develop an interactive, measurable, 21st century lesson to deliver the teacher designated topic. Students were allowed to decide what information needed to be delivered as well as how that information would be presented. Students also participated in creating the rubric that their peers would use to provide feedback on their lesson.

Student Artifact

Click on the picture to view student examples.

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  • H21 lesson plan

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