The Subjunctive in Noun Clauses

Submitted by: Theresa Llewlyn
School: Henrico High School


In this project, students were challenged with the task of creating and evaluating their own original digital study guides based on their own learning style to assist them in understanding the use of the present subjunctive in noun clauses. In small groups, students investigated the use of the subjunctive in noun clauses and decided what information to include in their study guide. Once the content was clear, students evaluated the software packages available to them discussing this in groups and made a decision based on time constraints, knowledge of these software programs, and their own learning styles which program that they would use. They then created the original study guides and partnered with random group members to evaluate each-others guides for accuracy, quality and effectiveness making corrections as needed. After using the guides to increase their knowledge of the present subjunctive in noun clauses, students conversed in class on topics using these forms. Following verbal practice, students created “Dear Abby” scenarios in which they used these subjunctive forms to create and answer the scenarios.

TIPC Ratings

This lesson falls in the low developing level of Research and Information Fluency. Students evaluated resources that they already possessed to gain an understanding of the knowledge needed to create their own study guide. Students were also given the freedom to seek out other digital resources with the teacher as a guide to compare to existing materials for the purpose of creating their own study guide model. After evaluating and assimilating the information available on the topic, each made the critical decision regarding what form his or her study guide would take.

This lesson falls in the high developing level of communication and collaboration. Students work in groups to investigate the grammar, and to determine the best method of presentation. The students work in self-directed groups to evaluate their study guides. While the lesson begins in the classroom, they may but are not required continue the collaboration after class. Students may use digital tools at their discretion to complete this project outside of classtime

This lesson falls in the high developing level of critical thinking and problem solving. Students made a critical choice of what digital tool would most help them to understand a concept and created a study guide based on their choice. They evaluated their own product and the product of other group members for accuracy, quality and effectiveness, and used their own to increase knowledge.

This lesson falls in the high developing level of creativity and innovation. Students were instructed to consider there own learning style and create a study guide to compliment that would best suit there own needs.

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  • Lesson Plan
  • Student Artifact

About Tracy R. Lancaster

ITRT Henrico High School

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