Sneaker Project

Submitted by: Janice Shelton
Collaborators: Hunter Thomas
School: Mills E. Godwin High School


Students will take a product from inception to sale using research of demographics, existing products information, manufacturing, production, and distribution costs, and product pricing to determine exact product design of the sneaker. After production, they will create a “buzz” to sell the product to financial literacy students during a premiere product party.

TIPC Ratings

This is an example of an Approaching lesson for Research and Information Fluency.Students use various research techniques to determine sales choices by applying known marketing concepts to the sneaker sales.

This is an example of a Target lesson for Communication and Collaboration. Students communicate with audiences within and beyond the classroom through the sales portion of the lesson. Students will need to observe the verbal and non-verbal communication of the buyers in order to decide which sales technique to use and also whether a change in pricing strategies will be necessary. Students will form teams to solve marketing problems when faced with selling as a sole-proprietor, partner, or corporate entity.

This is and example of a Target lesson for Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. While this is not a problem such as world peace and war, critical thinking skills in solving buyer needs and wants is a day-to-day issue in the business world. Students must decide what the buyers want in a particular target audience, supply those needs/wants by creating a product, and then sell it to them. After the sale, sellers must decide what went right or wrong determined by the sales volume of their product. In the real world, these decisions would affect future productions.

This is an example of an Approaching lesson for Creativity and Innovation. Students will apply existing knowledge to create ideas and products.

Student Artifact

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