The Perfect Vacation

Submitted by: Vickie Kimbrell
Collaborators: Ann Nash, Michelle Marx
School: Academy at Virginia Randolph


The students will work with a partner to plan a vacation to the destination of their choice, but must remain within their $5000 budget. They will use multiple search engines, web sites, and other sources to do this project. Students will calculate the cost of the trip in several categories: transportation, lodging, entertainment, food, souvenirs, and additional expenses. When calculating expenses, they will use 4.5% sales tax and 20% for tips. They will then create a presentation on where they visited and the cost.

TIPC Ratings

Developing: Students will select their own search engines, web-sites and resources to determine the best price for each aspect of their vacation. They will use the information to create a budget and plan a trip. They will then use self-selected resources to prepare a presentation for the class.

Developing: Students will select a partner to research, plan, and present their project. They will select appropriate resources from multiple search engines and web sites. They will communicate with the teacher and other groups from several classes through the use of a discussion board. They will work with their team to create a presentation of their vacation.

Developing: Students will use multiple resources, including search engines and websites, to determine the best vacation for their money. They will use these resources to determine costs of several options for transportation, lodging, entertainment, and other areas. They will choose their destination, transportation, lodging, etc. based on this information, while staying within the given budget. They will have to decide where to cut costs, find the best possible prices, and determine which activities they can afford. They will then present a final project in their desired form.

Developing: Teacher has given very broad requirements. Students can be creative on the presentation of their material.

Student Artifact

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  • Lesson Plan
  • Student Handouts and Rubrics
  • Student Work Examples

About Ann Marie Nash - Innovative Learning Coach Elko Middle School

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