Submitted by: Brooke Stumbo and Joe Koontz
School: Rivers Edge Elementary
The student will participate in the Journey North Tulip Project which tracks climate and season change around the world. We will participate in this global study, as well as a local study where the students are conducting the same experiment at home with their families. We will also conduct mini-experiments and investigations throughout the year. Students will communicate their findings globally using our classroom blog ( Throughout the year students will use a variety of research methods to collect data on soil and air temperature, interpret maps, and participate in artificially growing tulips at school. The project will culminate with the students dissecting the tulips and creating an electronic artifact that details the parts of a plant. In addition, students will gain knowledge that they will apply during our Life Processes (plants) unit in the spring.
TIPC Ratings
This lesson is developing in research and information fluency. Students applied search techniques and responded to a class assignment that prompted analysis of information.
This lesson is ideal/target in communication and collaboration. The student are communicating globally by using the blog dedicated to this project. They are sharing knowledge with each other in the classroom and with other classes around the world that are participating in this project. They are also working in teams to select appropriate tools to solve real world problems like, “Which garden will bloom first?” and “How do you get tulips to bloom in climates that do not have winter?”
This lesson is ideal/target in critical thinking and problem solving. Students generated their own questions and came up with original solutions for a authentic task. Students reflected on their roles for future growth.
This lesson is approaching in creativity and innovation. Students analyzed trends and made predictions to inspire new solutions. Students created meaningful and original work.