Greece and Rome Research Project

1 Vote

Submitted by: Angie Carter, Corryn Moore, Sandy Rabuck, and Erika Smith
Collaborators: Suzanna Panter, Mark Chervenak, and Jessica DelMonte
School: Dumbarton Elementary


Students collaboratively worked to extrapolate information on specific Greece and Rome topics using a variety of reference sources. They communicated to formulate appropriate research questions relevant to their topic. These questions guided their research. Groups debated what technology project would best display their information. Completed projects were then uploaded to the Museum Box website. Each student constructed an artifact to represent their topic. At the completion, families were invited to a share fair.

TIPC Ratings

Ideal/Target -Students evaluated online databases, websites, and other print reference materials for relevant information. Students analyzed information to determine its usefulness. Students used digital tools powerfully to create a separate digital tool for teachers to use in classrooms to cover the SOLs for Greece and Rome.

Ideal/Target -Students collaborated with peers and experts, regardless of time zone or physical distances, projects were uploaded to the web for global use. Students worked in groups across the grade level so they could share the information with their own class. Students completed an evaluation determining how the groups worked together and what they could change.

Ideal/Target -Students used a variety information sources to draw conclusions and produce new understanding about Greece and Rome. Students searched the web to find sites that gave information on their topic and evaluated the sites for relevancy to their topic. Students developed their own questions and gathered facts to answer them. Students evaluated and reflected upon their work to determine the strengths and weakness, and reflected on what could be done differently to improve their project.

Ideal/Target -Students synthesized existing and self-generated knowledge specifically designed to represent their Greece and Rome topic. Groups determined what technology project would best display their information. Students evaluated and reflected upon their work to determine the strengths and weakness, and reflected on what could be done differently to improve their project.

Student Artifact

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