What is the effect of a sneeze?

Submitted by: Kathy Woodard
Collaborators: Lauren Mabry, Terri Vernon
School: John Rolfe Middle School


Students investigate the environmental impact of using a tissue! First students find the surface area of each tissue box and create a ratio comparing the square centimeters of packaging used to the number of tissues in the box. They then divide to simplify the ratio to determine how much packaging is used per tissue. In this way they compare different sizes and brands of tissues to find which is packaged most efficiently. Students delve further into how their tissues affect the environment through a problem-based learning exploration in which they research other factors that could make one box of tissues gentler to the Earth than another. Some questions they may raise include: Do any brands use recycled fiber? How far are the tissues shipped and how much gas is used in shipping? What dyes or inks are used in tissues or packages? Is any plastic used in the package? The teacher and librarians collaborate to help students conduct internet research the answers to these questions, create graphs of their data, evaluate their findings, and create a video commercial for the most environmentally-friendly box of tissues.

TIPC Ratings

Ideal/Target: Students conduct hands-on experimental research as they measure and calculate the surface area of their tissue boxes, and internet research to find more data about tissue brands.

Approaching: Students work in pairs and later in groups to measure, calculate and research, as well as creating and performing commercials together. They need to communicate and collaborate to complete these tasks. The teacher also collaborates with the ITRT and librarians to teach the lesson.

Ideal/Target: Students apply many mathematical concepts and skills to an authentic problem. As with most authentic tasks, this one proves to be complex and multifaceted, requiring students to think critically and consider many factors that could make tissues more or less friendly to the environment.

Approaching: This lesson incorporates technology in many ways and connects the physical hands-on to the abstract.

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Screenshots of the Google Docs
  • Student Data Sheet, blank and completed
  • Rubric

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