Travel Commercial Competition

Submitted by: Claiborne Snyder
School: Pocahontas Middle School


The Snyder travel agency is having a contest to determine the best commercial for a Spanish- speaking country. The agency’s budget is limited for air time, so they can only select a few commercials to air. The students are assigned to groups of 3-5 people. They are then “hired” by a Spanish-speaking country to create a commercial in Windows Movie Maker or Adobe Premiere to advertise to American teenagers. Their job is to make the commercial seem so enticing that the Snyder travel agency will want to purchase and air it on tv. Their commercials must last 1-2 minutes.

TIPC Ratings

Approaching: Students must research facts about Spanish-speaking countries including music, images, flags, maps, etc. in order to make it seem like an appealing travel destination.

Approaching: Students are working in groups of 3-5 in order to complete their videos. They must divide tasks and budget their time. Students are then working as individuals to choose the best overall commercials.

Developing: Students need to use their limited Spanish-speaking skills to describe and promote their countries.

Ideal: Students are encouraged to be as creative as possible with the music, layout, style, and script of their commercial in order to beat out the competition!

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Lesson Rubric
  • Movie Selection Form
  • Student Movie Handout
  • Links to Student Examples

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