Submitted by: Kathi Smith and Mary Barnett
Collaborators: Virginia Thorn
School: Ridge Elementary School
Students were asked to imagine themselves in Ancient Rome and design a modern day newscast. In order to build background knowledge, this project took place after completing the Ancient Rome unit. Students were also required to watch and evaluate a news broadcast at home. In class, students brainstormed news story possibilities and jobs. Teachers then divided students into small groups to collaborate and decide member responsibilities. The students used a variety of graphic organizers to guide their group work, decisions and writing. They wrote and designed their own news segments. As written scripts were developed, they shared and gained feedback on their writing from other groups, and then video-taped their segments. Finally, a team of students compiled the segments into one multi-media newscast. In order to give the students the opportunity to share globally, the video was uploaded onto Voice Thread to allow students in other schools to comment on the final project.
TIPC Ratings
Developing: Students applied search techniques to sources and digital tools provided by the teacher.
Ideal/Target: Students communicated and collaborated with peers and with others using Voice Thread. Students reflected on communication tools and their roles within their groups.
Approaching: Students applied digital tools to think critically and solve open-ended authentic tasks. Reflection of the critical thinking process was included with justification about individual and group problem-solving practices.
Ideal/Target: Students synthesized existing and new knowledge to create innovative products and reflected on the process.
Student Artifact