Submitted by: Jackie Capar
School: J.R. Tucker High School
Students choose a British poet and poem from a list that has British poets from the Elizabethan Era to the Modern Era. Students will then research the poet, poem and a critique about that particular poet and poem. Students will also choose a painting that they feel best represents their poem and will write an original poem in the style of their poet. Students will write a research paper and incorporate all of this information into it, particularly placing the poems in an appendix. Afterwards students will have a poetry reading where each will introduce the poet’s style and then read the poem he or she created in the author’s style.
TIPC Ratings
APPROACHING – Students will have to select the appropriate sources and determine which sources are best to use. They utilized databases, online websites, books, artwork, and information gleaned through a field trip to the Art Museum. Students will also use research skills to explore their poet and poem, synthesize the information and apply it to create an original poem written in the same style as their chosen poet. They also had to choose a piece of artwork that exemplifies the style of their poet. Their poems were read and artwork projected during a Poetry Reading in the Library.
DEVELOPING – While working on the second draft of their research paper, students will work collaboratively within the classroom on peer editing and proofreading. At the conclusion of the project, students will do a poetry reading (other classes will be invited to the library) and explain to the audience information about their poet and the style of that particular poet. Students will then read their poems so that others can experience a particular aspect of poetry. Students will justify why a particular piece of artwork is representative of their author’s poem.
APPROACHING – Students utilized databases, online websites, books, artwork, and information gleaned through a field trip to the Art Museum. After researching and synthesing the information, they determined on their own what style their poet used when writing. Students used their new knowledge and understanding to create an original poem. Students will determine why a particular selection of art relates to their poem. The artwork will also be chosen by the student. Interpreting a poets style and describing it is an open ended task that requires higher level thinking skills. Students will reflect upon their presentations, rate each other, and support how a poet’s poem is indicative of a particular style.
APPROACHING – Students will create original poetry using the information they gather and determine about a particular author. Students create a rubric to use for peer reflections. Students are orally reading their original poems in a Poetry Reading in the Library for other English classes to participate. Students will also be projecting a visual image of a piece of artwork that relates to their poet.