Submitted by: Angela Leonard
Collaborators: ITRT
School: Pocahontas Middle School
For this project, students will show their knowledge of various concepts covered throughout the year by creating their own word problems based on pictures they’ve taken around the school using a digital camera. This will not only allow students to problem solve creatively but will also allow them to better visualize word problems and how they are constructed in a fun, inventive way.
TIPC Ratings
Approaching: Students can choose the best web site(s) to review specific concepts required for this project. The teacher can provide a list of reliable sites (see above for list) but students are not limited to these and can explore the internet for additional web site(s) that will provide them the correct information they need.
Approaching: Students will collaborate with their peers in taking photographs of everyday objects to serve as a clue to solving the word problems that they create and discussed in pairs. Students will also lead the class by presenting their created word problems and guiding their peers towards the correct solutions. Students will also communicate with one another when editing and grading their peers’ work.
Ideal: Using a variety of software applications, students will use critical thinking and problem solving strategies to develop and design their word problems and photographs. The actual development of students’ word problems requires high order thinking skills because they are developing real-world problems with very little teacher assistance.
Ideal: Students identify how real pictures can be applied to mathematical concepts. Using their own pictures and a specific mathematical concept to correspond with their pictures, students create a word problem to help test that concept.