Lyrical Poetry

PoetryPoetrySubmitted by: Katherine Black
Collaborators: Mike Dunavant (ITRT)
School: Varina High School


This lesson served as an introduction to our poetry unit. The class began by making the connection between the student’s personal music choices and connecting it to their unique experiences, feelings, and emotions. The lesson called for the student to understand that music is poetry and to recognize the purpose of rhythmic elements and other poetic devices. To reach this, students were required to choose a song that was most meaningful to them. They were then asked to create a music video that displayed imagery that was evoked within their own mind. After students created their videos, they had to analyze their personal lyrics for poetic elements such as rhyme scheme, imagery, metaphors, similes, etc. They recorded these notes on their own paper lyrics, which were then made into a class packet and given back to each individual student. Before students presented their personal videos they were asked to explain the elements present in their song lyrics. Following each video the students were then called to reflect on what they saw and heard in each video piece, as well as recall any further elements not originally identified.

TIPC Ratings

Approaching – Students were required to apply research and knowledge in identifying poetic elements in their lyrics. They were also able to use multiple mediums of electronic resources such as Google images, personal pictures, and/or video.

Approaching – Students were expected to communicate with their classmates while presenting their projects and effectively giving an explanation for their visual representation of their lyrics.

Target – Students were asked to use multiple resources to accomplish this project. They were first asked to identify a song that was meaningful, provide the MP3, gather images of their own, as well as those collected through a Google search, apply lyrics where meaningful in the video. They were also asked to apply their knowledge of poetic elements and how these aspects of a poem impact the reader or listener.

Target – This area required that the students get extra creative in order to expose their emotions and feelings in a tangible way so that students may grasp what and how the creator organized their project.

Student Artifact


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