How Weather Works

Submitted by: Catherine Huber
Collaborators: Jill Baedke
School: Skipwith Elementary


Students will create a television show about weather. As a whole group, the students will discuss and decide what should be included in their presentation. Students select the area that they would like to research and present. Students will use a variety of resources, such as informational books and/or Discovery Science. Students will take notes on their topic and make cue cards to help them present the material. Students will use Photo Booth to present their information in a news anchor format.

TIPC Ratings

Approaching: Students used a variety of tools both digital and other for their research.

Approaching: Students worked in cooperative groups based on their interest in a specific topic.

Approaching: Students applied digital tools to think critically and solve open-ended authentic tasks that require higher order thinking skills.

Approaching: Students created meaningful, original work within the assignment parameters.

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