Dr. King’s Dream

Submitted by: Colleen Dillingham
School: Seven Pines Elementary


The students will learn about Martin Luther King’s dream and work cooperatively to produce a poster and iMovie about Dr. King. After viewing a video clip about Dr. King, the students will work as partners to summarize Dr. King’s dream and tell other children about the famous American and his dream.

TIPC Ratings

This lesson is entry for research and information fluency. The students acquired information using a provided resource. The students followed directions to complete a class assignment.

This lesson is developing in communication and collaboration. Students worked in teacher selected groups with defined roles to accomplish a class assignment. They used digital tool to complete class assignment.

This lesson is approaching in critical thinking and problem solving. The students generated and responded to purposeful questions. Students needed to justify their decisions on the comments they made on their movies. Students applied digital tool to solve an open-ended authentic task.

This lesson is approaching in creativity and innovation. By creating their original posters and individual short movies, the students inspired new solutions to an authentic task.

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