Mass Media Campaign

Submitted by: Katie Niemeier
School: Deep Run High School


This four-week group project requires students to create a candidate’s political platform as well as a sophisticated multimedia campaign to get their candidate elected. Students are grouped, assigned roles, and compete against one another. Their task is to take what they are learning in class and apply it to their campaign. The majority of media work is completed outside of class and the final products are presented and judged by a variety of community members.

TIPC Ratings

This lesson is in the “Approaching” stage of Research and Information Fluency. The teacher plans and implements strategies to guide student investigation, instructs students on the acquisition, evaluation and ethical use of information. Students develop questions to guide their research, apply research methods to find and evaluate resources in order to select information from a variety of digital resources. If you want to raise the level, students could be required to do more self-guided evaluation and assessment of external resources when researching their political platform. The application of this information is already strong.

This lesson is “Ideal” on the TIP Chart for Communication and Collaboration. Students initiate communication in real and non-real time, through the use of different medias and their presentations with outside judges. They communicate and collaborate with their peers and form collaborative teams to solve real-world problems and create original works through multimedia publishing, video and social networking.

The lesson reaches the “Ideal” level on the TIP Chart. The teacher creates the structure of the lesson, providing the opportunities and challenges for the students to rise to. Students use multiple resources to plan, design and execute real-world problem solving: delegate responsibilities/roles, meet to create ideas for presentations, work out challenges and finalize their product.

Students are in the Ideal/Target area for the TIP Chart by creating their media ads using different forms of media: radio ads, TV commercials, web pages for candidates, and video debates.

Student Artifact

Student Campaign Sites:

  • highfillforhouse
  • Download Files


    • Lesson plan
    • Student sample links

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