But What Will I Wear?


If you’ve ever seen How the Grinch Stole Christmas starring Jim Carrey as the title character, you’ll remember a wonderful scene as the Grinch is trying to decide what to wear to the Whobilation. What we wear is so important! Even more so when we are on stage. Any actor will tell you that a costume helps so much with portraying a character. Many film actors who have been interviewed will say that wearing the characters’ shoes will help them get into the role or a hat or any number of things. The wonderful person who decides all of these things is the costumer.  Just recently, CFA hosted a guest artist in costuming. Jeanne Nugent is exploding on Richmond Theatre’s costuming scene. Some of the shows that have had the honor of wearing Jeanne’s designs are Croaker, an original musical spinning of the Frog Prince tale by other CFA Guest artist Jason Marks and former CFA teacher Deb Clinton, Treasure Island, Mary Poppins, A Christmas Story , They’re Playing Our Song, Mr. Popper’s Penguins, Peter and the Starcatcher and her newest accomplishment, The Wiz, now playing at Virginia Rep’s November Theater. Please check out her featured article in Richmond Family Magazine. Our students are truly lucky to have the opportunity to work with this caliber of talent in the theatre community, and we are so appreciative that these busy artists are willing to spend their time with us. Congratulations on your wonderful success, Ms. Nugent!

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So Long, Farewell

In two short days our CFA Seniors will graduate and head out into the world. Appropriately the following quote is from the acceptance speech of Andre DeShields upon winning his first TONY award at the age of 73. The TONY awards are given for excellence in theatre on Broadway. It is wonderful advice for not just people in the theatre, but anyone as they step out into the world to follow their dreams. “Surround yourself with people whose eyes light up when they see you coming. Slowly is the fastest way to get to where you want to be, and the top of one mountain is the bottom of the next, so keep climbing.” Endings are hard. It has been comfortable to stay and grow with your CFA family these last 4 years. You have wonderful memories, and it will be difficult to say goodbye, but there is also a wonderful journey ahead of you. On that path you will create new memories to add to the pages you have already written. But never forget your CFA family is always here for you! You have reached the top of this mountain. Keep climbing! We can’t wait to see what your next peak is! Congratulations Class of 2019!

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Dance! Dance! Dance!

In just a few days school will be out for summer vacation. Some of our students are only leaving us briefly, and others for good as they go on to the next adventure. Our CFA dance students will be busy this summer attending dance programs or preparing to go on to a higher level in Dance. Did you know that the Virginia Governor’s School for the Arts only accepts 2 dance students in our entire region to participate in a prestigious dance program for the Summer? For the last 4 years, those 2 students have been chosen from our very own CFA Dance Program. Pretty Impressive stats. In addition, 14 of our students auditioned for the coveted spots in the American Dance Festival’s Summer Program at Duke University, Bates Young Dancers Workshop, and the Alvin Ailey Summer Intensive as well as one student who applied for a “Leadership in the Arts” program sponsored by the Kennedy Center . ALL were accepted into their respective programs, some even on scholarship. Our Dance program is alive and well and thriving! Way to go! You do us proud!

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And a Good Time Was Had by ALL!

Hopefully you were with us, but if you weren’t, you missed a wonderful time of fun and celebration as our 2018/2019 year at Center For the Arts came to a close. On Saturday June 1st, we all gathered at Henrico High School to have our annual year end CFA Senior Awards Ceremony and FCFA picnic. Preparations began early Saturday morning to get everything ready for our students and families.

We began with a time to honor our 2019 graduating seniors. Some special scholarships were awarded,

and each discipline selected one student to receive the Brad Boynton Award. You can see from the photos that our teachers and students form a close bond over the 4 years spent here. 

Each senior received their CFA stole to wear proudly at graduation, and then we all joined together in our main commons [the weather didn’t cooperate! 🙁 ]to chow down and rock out with some karaoke provided by our wonderful Mr. Jones, sound tech extraordinaire, and some of our students. What a GREAT way to end the year!!!!

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Test Your Artistic Knowledge

Check out this really cool postcard designed for the Senior Visual Arts Showcase! If you look a little closer, you’ll notice that all of the squares are a famous painting or artist re-imagined by the creator. How many paintings, artists or both can you name? If you are a CFA student, bring your guesses by the CFA office by Thursday, May 23rd, by the end of lunch. I’ll draw one student from the cards with the most correct responses to win a prize. Too see more fabulous art by our Senior Visual Arts students, check out their gallery showing at Artworks Gallery ~ 320 Hull Street ~ 804-291-1400.  It is free and open to the public and will be on display until May 26, 2019. There will be an artist reception this Friday, May 24th from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM.

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SAVE THE DATE – June 1, 2019

What better way to bid farewell to your CFA family or embrace the CFA family life for your first time than to meet with food and fun? On Saturday, June 1, 2019, you can do just that! If you’re a Senior, we’ll be kicking things off with our Senior awards ceremony in the Auditorium at 11 AM (anyone in the CFA is welcome to attend to support our Seniors in this milestone event.) Afterwards we’ll all join together to have lunch. Our amazing Michael Jones will be our DJ for the day, and there will be karaoke, so warm up those pipes! The FCFA is providing paper goods, utensils and chicken strips. Please bring a complimentary dish or dessert to share. An RSVP will help the FCFA can plan accordingly.  Can’t wait to see you there!!!

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Chalk Up Another for Visual Arts

Metro Richmond Stem Fair held an art competition. The winner’s creation was used for the cover for the 27th Annual Metro Richmond STEM Fair program. Yes, you guessed it, one of CFA’s Visual Arts Level I students, Viktoria Fisher, won 1st place and was awarded the honor of gracing the cover, a trophy and 1st prize. Viktoria was not the only Visual Arts student who placed in the competition.  Redet Lemma and Axel Valdez-Machicado also took 4th place and Honorable Mention, respectively. Congratulations to all of our STEM Fair Art winners!

Axel Valdez-Machicado – Honorable Mention

Redet Lemma – 4th Place

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New York, New York..a Heck of a Town!

One week ago today at the crack of dawn, 50 excited students and 5 very brave adults boarded a bus and headed to New York City for the Theatre/Musical Theatre Spring trip. Some had been before, but for some it was their very first venture to the Big Apple. They only stayed for 2 nights and 3 days, but those 3 days were packed with shopping, theatre and, of course, FUN! As any Theatre field trip should, it included 3 Broadway shows. The group saw King Kong, Hadestown and Come From Away.  King Kong, the first of its kind on Broadway, is a musical based on the classic 1933 classic film, King Kong, about the misunderstood giant ape that takes over New York City. The Broadway show uses a huge puppet as its monster.

The second, Hadestown, is a musical retelling of the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, a tale very familiar to our Theatre students as it was part of their spring showcase and finally, Come From Away, the epic true story of a small town in Canada, Gander, that opened its hearts and homes to the passengers on 38 planes  that were ordered to land there in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The students also had the privilege of participating in a workshop with American actress, Susan Blackwell

Of course, what trip to NYC would be complete without a visit to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty? Late Thursday, they headed home having created memories that will last them a lifetime!

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♪ ♫ Money, Money, Money, Money ♫ ♪

ATTENTION ALL CFA Seniors and Visual Arts Sophomores  and Juniors!!!!! This Friday, April 26, 2019, at 4:30 PM, is the deadline for applications for all  the FCFA  Scholarships. As we all know college is EXPENSIVE! Every little bit helps. Why turn down the chance to receive some of that help from Friends of Center for the Arts? There are three opportunities.   Lee G. Hanchey Scholarship – open to ANY graduating senior in ANY discipline – worth $1500.00 – ONLY ONE RECIPIENT.  FCFA Curriculum Area Scholarship – open to ANY graduating senior who is MAJORING or MINORING in their curriculum area in college/higher education. TWO RECIPIENTS from each of the four disciplines will be awarded $750.00 each.  William Patrick Gorman Award – open to ANY current SOPHOMORE or JUNIOR VISUAL ARTS student – worth $1000.00 – ONLY ONE RECIPIENT.  Hurry and get your application in. NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED! 

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And the Hits Just Keep on Comin’

Visual Arts is on fire! 2 more students have won prestigious awards for their work at Center for the Arts. Amina Coleman-Davis and Virginia Suddarth have both been honored with national awards. Amina received the highest award for a piece in the region, The American Voice and Visions medal.

Virginia was awarded a Silver Key. Congratulations! How lucky we are at CFA to have these students!

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