Column: Henrico County eliminates interims

By Lori Ricks

During my years in the Henrico County school system, I have always heard teachers, students and parents stress over interim reports. And why exactly? I have never understood it.

I have heard classmates say things like, “I’m going to be in so much trouble over my interim report.”

Also, I have observed teachers stressing out over getting assignments graded and uploaded on time for interim reports.

Starting this school year, Henrico County Schools has eliminated interims. I say, “Good riddance.”

The idea to eliminate interims was an “un-initiative” concept presented to Superintendent Patrick Kinlaw. “Un-initiatives” are a way to remove procedures in the county while still maintaining an efficient and effective school system. Superintendent Kinlaw said that Henrico County “keeps adding stuff to our plate, but does not take anything off.”

Many teachers and students are relieved that interims are a part of the past. In their place, students and their parents have Power School. Power School allows users to see their grade averages in real time.

Taking away interim reports for the entire county was a great idea because they were a waste of time. It’s still important to keep up with grades, but this was the right move for Henrico County.

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