Teaching Kindergartners about Showing Respect for the American Flag – 4253


Teaching Kindergartners about Showing Respect for the American Flag
is a lesson that brings together social studies, math, and language arts curriculum. Students will first brainstorm and share as to how and why we need to show respect for the American Flag. Students will then work in self-selected groups in four different stations over two days to focus on the following activities: a. Using the Flip-Teacher technique with a classroom computer, students will answer self-created research questions that focus on the American Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance; b. Students will create concepts webs about the American Flag and the pledge of Allegiance using the Popplet Lite App on iPads; c. Students will write scripts to recite to kindergarten classes with information about respecting the American Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance; and d. Students will design teaching posters on the Promethean Board using shapes and stickers from the program Pixie. Once each group has been to each of the four activities over two days, they will work to create the posters they have designed for the kindergarten classes in the school. Once the posters are complete, each group will go to one kindergarten class and present their posters and explain why and how we show respect for the American Flag.

TIPC Ratings

This lesson is Developing in Research and Information Fluency. The students conducted research on the history of the American Flag independently. Students used this information in other stations to complete the authentic task of teaching kindergartners about showing respect for the American Flag. Students recorded the information they learned from the source.

This lesson is Approaching in Communication and Collaboration. Students worked in collaborative groups for all of the stations. Students had to communicate their ideas using a visual representation and written script. Students presented their work to students in other classrooms at the school. Students were asked to reflect upon their role as collaborators.

This lesson is Approaching in Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. Students had to work together and choose which symbols represented America. Using popplet, students created a graphic organizer to explain the different reasons why and ways respect is shown for the American Flag. Students were asked to reflect upon their work.

This lesson is Developing in Creativity and Innovation. Students were provided with the digital tools that were used, Pixie and Popplet Lite. They were given an open ended authentic task and the final products varied. Students reflected on their final products. Student choice in product would move this lesson into Approaching.

Student Artifact

Popplet Image.001

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  • Lesson Plan
  • ActivInspire Flipchart
  • Student Artifacts
  • Student Planning

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