Let it Snow! – 4228


Students are presented with the following scenario. Wellesley Subdivision is having a snowman contest at 3:30 today. The prediction for snow is 100% but the temperature is expected to rise in the early afternoon. We are asked to submit our entry by 2;30. Students observed and recorded the changes in matter with Willie, a snowman created by the teacher. On Day 1, we observed the changes in Willie using a GoTemp Probe, a ruler, and our five senses. At the end of the day we brainstormed ways to keep Willie “alive” for the contest so he will not melt. On Day 2, students in groups of three, then created a snowman, using balls of ice, and collaborated together as to how to keep their snowman in its best state of matter to compete in the contest. Older students collaborated with my class to teach my students the proper handling of the GoTemp Probe.

TIPC Ratings

Research and Information Fluency was not a focus of this lesson.

This lesson is Approaching in Communication and Collaboration. Students worked in self-selected roles to complete the authentic task. They shared their findings with other classrooms within their building. Students reflected on their roles as collaborators and set future goals for future experiences.

This lesson is Approaching in Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. Students were asked to hypothesize what would happen to Willie as the day progressed. Students had to collect data throughout the day and use their findings to develop a solution to Willie’s problem. Students reflected on their work.

Creativity and Innovation was not a focus of this lesson.

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  • Lesson Plan
  • Student Artifacts

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