Our Important Books

Submitted by: Dawn Lobosco
School: Highland Springs Elementary School


Students will create an original story modeled after Margaret Wise’s The Important Book, using a classroom object as the item of focus. They will use Keynote to create a digital version of their story, including pictures they have taken with the digital camera, to enhance their learning of main idea and supporting details in language arts.

TIPC Ratings

Entry: This lesson falls into the entry level of the rubric. Students utilized provided resources (classroom objects) as the focus of their projects and followed a provided template for completion of the assignment.

Entry: This lesson falls into the entry level of the rubric. Students were given communication opportunities to enhance comprehension, but did no work on the assignment in small groups as it was an individual project by design.

Developing: This lesson falls into the developing level of the rubric. Students were given direct instruction on how the book model can be applied to any object of the student’s choosing. Students then had to apply the model to their own object and complete the assigned project.

Developing: This lesson falls into the developing level of the rubric. Students were required to connect abstract ideas of main idea and details to concrete objects and present their application of those concepts to their peers. Although all students utilized the same technology and pattern of presentation, they were able to choose their own object and attributes of that object to highlight.

Student Artifact

The Important Book Sample

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Assessment Rubric
  • Student Sample

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