We will finally have a full week of school this week. The kids will be very busy.
Here is what we will be doing.
Homework: Until the agendas arrive at school, I will send home a homework pack on Mondays. Each sheet in the pack will be labeled with the day that it should be completed during the week. This should stay in the dolphin folder all week, so that I can check it each day for completion.
Math: The kids have spent a great amount of time practicing reading bar graphs. They should be able to tell you that a graph needs TAILS (title, axis, intervals, labels, and spacing). This week, we will focus mainly on pictographs. The kids should be ready for a final assessment this Friday.
Word Study: I mentioned in last week’s post that there would possibly be a word study test this Friday, but we are not ready. I met with one word study group last Friday, and I will meet with the other three tomorrow to go over the words and how to sort them correctly. Each week, the kids will receive 2 copies of their word study list. One will go in the Dolphin Folder to keep at home for practice. The other will stay at school. The first word study test will be on Friday, October 1.
Reading: We have spent some time working on learning the differences between fiction and nonfiction. I have had the chance to meet with almost all of the students individually to listen to each child read a story and then orally answer comprehension questions. This week, I should be able to finish all of the initial assessments which will enable us to officially begin reading groups the last week of September. This week, the kids will work on going back in a passage to find important information in both fiction and nonfiction stories.
Social Studies: The kids have been working on learning some very important vocabulary words related to good citizenship. They should be able to give examples of ways to be a good citizen in the classroom and in the community. This week, we will focus on the differences between rules and laws and the three branches of government (legislative, judicial, and executive).
Graded papers: I will start collecting work this week that will be graded and put in the gradebook. I will send the papers home this Friday in a folder that will also contain a behavior sheet for the first nine weeks. The sheet will match the same work habits and conduct that can be found on the report card. I will explain more about this during our virtual Back to School Night this Thursday.
This covers the highlights for the week. As always, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about anything.