We had a busy and productive first week of school! I loved listening to all of the students as they shared their Me Bags on Friday. The kids were able to see that they have many things in common with some of their classmates. I was also able to collect important information on each student during the week. The kids completed a spelling inventory so that I can accurately place each student in a word study group. Each child read a list of words to me which will enable me to know where to start with their F and P reading assessment this week. We also completed the first writing sample of the year. The kids completed a 4 square about their summer break, and then they wrote their final copy.
We did fit in some time for fun. The kids participated in a toothpaste activity to help remind them to only use kind words with classmates. They learned how to play a math game called Sink or Swim, and they completed a classroom scavenger hunt, and a friendship hunt.
Here’s what is happening this week.
Word Study: I hope to give the kids their first list of words to study this week. If all goes as planned, the first word study test will be on Friday, September 24th. Usually, the kids will keep their word study list for 2 weeks. They will have a word study test every other Friday.
Reading: I will be completing a reading assessment with each student individually this week. This will help determine the best reading placement for your child. We will also review the differences between fiction and nonfiction. During our reading block, the kids will practice picking just right books to read independently. We have our first trip to the library on Tuesday.
Math: Last week, we started the unit on graphing. The kids should have a good idea of what makes a good survey question. This week, the kids will practice using various bar graphs and pictographs. The questions that third graders need to be able to answer using graphs can be tricky, so we will spend lots of time practicing his week. Often, third graders are given questions where they are required to pick more than one right answer.
Social Studies: We will focus on good citizenship this week. Last week, we glued a study guide on this unit into the social studies notebooks. There are a lot of vocabulary words to know such as self-reliance and self-discipline.
Please remember that this Thursday, September 16th, is a student holiday.
Graded papers: We are not in a rush to start grading a lot of work just yet. Graded papers will come home in a blue folder each Thursday beginning on September 23rd. The folder will also include a work habits and conduct chart so that you can be aware of how your child is doing in class. You will keep the graded papers and sign and return the work habits chart and the folder each Friday.
Homework: Hopefully, the student agendas will come in soon. We will use these to write homework assignments each day. Until the agendas arrive, I will send you daily emails to let you know what the homework will be. This week, you can expect your child to bring home a reading log each night. On Tuesday and Thursday, they will bring home a math sheet to complete.
Classwork and tests: The kids will be putting a lot of important information in their notebooks this year. They will always be able to look in their notebooks for help if necessary to complete classwork. Before a test, I will send home the notebooks several days in advance so that your child can review the information and study guide at home before completing all tests without their notebooks.
I have really enjoyed getting to know each child this past week. If you have any questions please ask. I am looking forward to a great week!