Feb. 2020- Rubik’s Cube Team forming

    If you’re interested in solving the Rubik’s Cube, or in improving your speed in solving the cube, please read on…

    We’re preparing for the Regional Rubik’s Cube Competition!  Nuckols Farm will have a team of 8 students and 2 alternates to take to the Competition. If your child is interested in being a part of the Nuckols Farm team, we will have the following practices from 2:15-3:00 in Mr. Wasserman’s classroom A-3:

Monday, Feb. 10      Wednesday, Feb. 12    Wednesday, Feb. 17      

    Students may come to 1 or all 3 of these practices in order to be timed, to practice, and to have fun!  Bring a cube, but it must be an official Rubik’s cube with the Rubik’s logo.  No speed cubes allowed.  

       The 10 fastest students, as timed by Feb. 21, will be on the the NFE Team!  Those selected will be invited to the Team Practices, from 2:15- 3:00 on the following Fridays:     February 28 and March 6.

      The students on the NFE Teams must be able to attend the Regional Competition on Wednesday, March 11 from 4:00-6:30 at Holman Middle School.

       Contact Mr. Wasserman to let him know which of the 3 February practice days you can attend at: trwasser@henrico.k12.va.us


The Regional Rubik’s Cube Competition will be Thursday, March 28, 2019!

It will be held at Holman Middle School from 4:30-6:30.  We’ll be forming Nuckols Farm teams of 8 students in March.

Calling all cubers!  Rubik’s Cube Competition coming to Nuckols Farm!

The event will be on Wednesday, November 16th right after school and is open to all NFE students regardless of grade.

The Team Competition will consist of teams of 4 students solving 9 cubes as fast as they can.  Students may be on a team with anyone in the school.  They do not need to be in the same grade.

An optional Solo Competition will be offered as well to anyone who can solve the cube in less than 3 minutes.

Here’s how to enter:

  1. Form a team of 4 students.
  2. Register at http://tinyurl.com/rubiknfe
  3. Practice solving the cube!

Contact Mr. Wasserman with any questions at  trwasser@henrico.k12.va.us


The Results are In…

We had great success at the Rubik’s Cube Regional Competition on March 23.  We had 18 students competing in solo and team competitions.  I am very proud of our Nuckols Farm cubers!  Our 2 teams finished 5th & 8th out of 13 teams.  Both teams surpassed all previous NFE team records!  I’ve enjoyed working with the group and I hope to see the 3rd and 4th graders on next year’s teams.

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Rubik’s Cube Teams forming

     If you’re interested in solving the Rubik’s Cube, or in improving their speed in solving the cube, or in besting everyone else at solving the cube, please read on…

     We’re preparing for the Regional Rubik’s Cube Competition!  Nuckols Farm will have 2 teams of 8 students each, with 1 alternate, so we will take 17 students to the Competition. If your child is interested in being a part of the Nuckols Farm team, we will have the following practices from 2:15-3:00 in Mr. Wasserman’s classroom A-3:

Tuesday, Feb. 9      Thursday, Feb. 11     Tuesday, Feb. 16      Thursday, Feb. 18

     Students may come to 1 or all 4 of these practices in order to be timed, to practice, and to have fun!  Bring a cube, but it must be an official Rubik’s cube with the Rubik’s logo.  No speed cubes allowed.  

        The 17 fastest students, as timed by Feb. 18, will be on the the NFE Team!  Those selected will be invited to the Team Practices, from 2:15- 3:00 on the following days:     Feb. 26, Mar. 11, Mar. 18.

       The students on the NFE Teams must be able to attend the Regional Competition on Wednesday, March 23 from 4:00-6:30 at Holman Middle School.

        Contact Mr. Wasserman to let him know which of the 4 February practice days you can atttend at: trwasser@henrico.k12.va.us



Nuckols Farm Rubik’s Cube Competition

We had a blast at our NFE Competition in November 2015.  Congratulations to Kaushik, Lina, and Jack M. for having the 3 fasted times at Nuckols Farm!

Stay tuned for NFE Rubik’s Cube teams forming for the big competition in March at Holman Middle School!

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