New Books

Hello Nuckols Farm Families!

Nuckols Farm will be collecting NEW BOOKS for the Christmas Mother Program this year.  The books will be donated as gifts to families in need.

Here’s the information…

What:  Bring in brand new books for families in need so that their children can enjoy wonderful stories as part of their Christmas gifts this year.

When:  Monday, November 7th through Friday, November 18th.

Where:  Drop them off in the green boxes located outside the library entrance doors.

The books can be different reading levels for pre-schoolers through teenagers.

We truly appreciate any donations you make!  Thank you!  Don’t forget, you could purchase books to donate during our Barnes and Noble book fair November 5th!

Calling all cubers!

Rubik’s Cube Competition coming to Nuckols Farm!

The event will be on Wednesday, November 16th right after school and is open to all NFE students regardless of grade.

The Team Competition will consist of teams of 4 students solving 9 cubes as fast as they can.  Students may be on a team with anyone in the school.  They do not need to be in the same grade.

An optional Solo Competition will be offered as well to anyone who can solve the cube in less than 3 minutes.

Here’s how to enter:

  1. Form a team of 4 students.
  2. Register at
  3. Practice solving the cube!

Contact Mr. Wasserman with any questions at