19 thoughts on “Answer these questions about the Marshmallow activity from this morning.

  1. London: The most challenging thing about the activity was trying to make the structure stand on it’s own.

    To help my team run more smoothly next time I could try and have everybody take turns sharing their thoughts and ideas instead of shouting them out.

  2. The most challenging thing about this activity was making a good base to support the structure.
    One thing that I could have done to make the group run more smoothly was to convince them to make a different base.

  3. The most challenging thing about the activity was how we had to keep the marshmallow standing and how we had to make the structure.

    If we did this again, a way to make it run more smoothly is we maybe could’ve planned and not of just thought of it as we went along.

  4. I think that the hardest part about this challenge was to keep the spaghetti sticks from snapping and falling off.

    Next time, i would try to make a more stable foundation so we could make the pyramid taller even if it wasn’t very stable.

  5. For me the most challenging part of the activity was working with my group. Planning was a mess because we all just shouted out ideas. If I were to go back in and try to make it go more smoothly I would keep everything organized and make people take turns sharing ideas.

  6. what was challenging was how to keep it up straight without falling

    To work more smoothly we should make sure we all have the same idea

  7. The most challenging thing about the marshmallow activity was that the weight of our tape and the marshmallow made our tower collapse. Also, the strength of the spaghetti wasn’t good so that made it harder to stand up. I think to make our group run smoother, we should compromise faster so that we would have more time to build. – Caleb

  8. The most challenging thing about this project was getting the structure to hold and stand up on its own. We made two pyramid like shapes and then we had a stick on top. The stick held, but when we put the marshmallow on the stick, the weight of the marshmallow made it bend and fall to the ground. If we got a second chance to do this project an idea I would give to our group is making it more sturdy. Ours was still very sturdy but I think we should have added our last four sticks to our first pyramid. That would make it sturdier and tall and we could have won. That is something to know if we ever do it again. Our whole group had great ideas too.

  9. the most challenging thing about this activity was getting a sturdy foundation. What I would change for next time is sticking to the plans we made and, brainstorming more on the structure.

  10. The hardest part was trying to get the part of the structure were the marshmallow was to stand up without it falling over. What i would have done differently is not use a triangle on top of our square and instead do two squares on top of each other, i think that that would have made my group run more smoothly.

  11. The most challenging thing about our marshmallow and spaghetti towers was how easy the spaghetti could break. It was very hard to correctly stabilize it to a point were the marshmallow could be supported and could stand freely and not fall over after two minutes. I can speak to my teammates in a more calm voice instead of urging them on to help my group run more smoothly.

  12. 1. One thing I would claim as the most difficult task is probably keeping your structure standing and not letting the spaghetti structure plummet. Another difficult task is using the correct amount of tape on each piece of spaghetti. If you use too much on one spot you will quickly run out.
    2. I would probably re discuss and reconsider the structure of the spaghetti supporting the marshmallow. I would do this because last time our structure toppled over.

  13. The secondary triangle of my groups pyramid structure was not as steady as we would have liked, so when we attached the height beam to put the marshmallow on the whole thing collapsed. Next time after we created our stricter plan we need to decide who does what and where. We can’t have 2 people doing the same task at the same time or else our group would be chaos and we would never get anything done.

  14. I think the most challenging thing that we or I had to do was probably trying to make it stand. at first we had tried to do a teepee model shape but it didn’t work out so we decided to make an Eiffel Tower looking one and it worked out and we ended up winning to my surprise.

    I think our group ran pretty smoothly but I think that we could improve by ….. conserving more of our materials. besides that “almost” everything went smoothly.

  15. The most challenging part of the activity would be completing it all successfully in the time we had to build, and we didn’t really know the complete design because one thing didn’t work, so we had to change some of it and we still weren’t very successful.

    If I could do anything to make my group run more smoothly, I would’ve helped my group members more than I already did so, that we could’ve had more time to build our marshmallow tower.

  16. The Marshmallow Challenge was very difficult , but the most challenging thing was getting my table’s structure to not topple over which we did not end up resolving.
    If my same group did the marshmallow challenge I think I would do a little more planning and not just try to do trial and error.

  17. I think the most challenging thing about the Marshmallow activity was to make the structure stand without falling or the spaghetti breaking. It was also hard when the tape didn’t stick so well sometimes so that it fell and when the spaghetti didn’t go in the marshmallow the right way. What I could do next time to make my team run smoothly could be to stop incidentally doing something to knock some part or the whole tower over. That way, when I don’t do that, my team won’t have to say, “KELSEY!!!” That is one thing I would do to make my team run smoothly next time, but I’m still glad that “The Leaning Tower of Marshy” came together!

  18. The most challenging thing about this challenge was keeping it sturdy. Next time I would probably make a stronger base.

  19. I think the most challenging thing was agreeing on how we can make it taller but still stable so it wont fall down when we present it. Next time I could probably try to agree with my tablemates on making it taller and find a way to make it more stable too.

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