Answer these 2 Palindrome Questions

1) The last Palindrome year was the year 2002.  What were the last 3 palindrome years before 2002?

2) List at least 4 palindrome words.  Write a palindrome sentence if you can.

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19 thoughts on “Answer these 2 Palindrome Questions

  1. The lost three palindrome years are 1991 1881 1771
    Three palindrome words are Race car, mom, dad, and solo

  2. 1. 1991, 1881, 1771
    2. Madam I’m Adam, Mr. Owl ate my metal worm, Racecar, Eva, can I stab bats in a cave

  3. the last three palindrome years before 2002 were 1991, 1881, and 1771.

    1. sees
    2. peep
    3. mom
    4. dad

    5. This on no Sith

  4. 1.1991
    2. 1881
    Word palindrome sentence :
    A man, a plan, a canal, Panama.
    Palindrome words
    Mom,Dad, Bob,pop

  5. The first one is 1991. The second one is 1881. The last on is 1771.
    One Palindrome word is racecar. Another Palindrome word is tacocat. There is also one palindrome word is wow. The last Palindrome word is Ava. A sentence that is a Palindrome word is rats live on no evil star.

  6. 1. 1991, 1881, 1771

    2. race car, kayak, level, Ale Ela

    Ale Ela was my grandfather’s name. His real name was Alfred Ela, but Ale is short for Alfred.

  7. 3 palindrome years before 2002 are: 1991, 1881, and 1771. 4 palindrome words are race-car, Bob, wow, and mom.

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