64 thoughts on “Create your own Math Curse problem. Solve at least 1 other person’s by replying to their post.

  1. I get to my daycare at 3:00 we eat snack 5 minutes later snack is 15 minutes long.
    If the temperature is over 90 we have a half recess. Recess is 30 minutes long If it is 94 degrees outside and I leave daycare at 4:00 will I be able to finish recess?

  2. For practice I get there around 6:07 and practice starts at 6:30. How much time do I get to warm up?

  3. When I go to GameStop, I have $28.56 with me. I then see two games that I like. The problem is that they are $56.67 though. The tax is an additional $2.73. So how much money do I need?

  4. If I get home from baseball practice at 7:35 and have to go to bed at 9:00.How long do I get to play Fortnite before bed?

  5. You meet your friends for ice cream at 3:00 pm and you have baseball practice at 4:00 pm. You order your ice cream which takes five minutes and you eat it which takes 15 minutes. The drive home is 15 minutes since you live far away. Will you get home in time? Or will you be late for baseball practice?

  6. If I get home from school at about 2:35, and I have soccer practice at 6:30. It takes me 10 min to eat snack, 30 min to do homework, I also go outside and watch tv for 30 min, and I have to read for 30 minuets. If it also takes me 40 minuets to get ready for soccer, how much free time will I have?

  7. I am at Busch Gardens and I am waiting in line at a ride. The line wait is 30 minutes long. I am 13 minutes in the line and my friend need to use the bathroom. If it takes him 11 minutes to use the bathroom, will he be able to make it back in time?

  8. Every day I get home from school at 2:40. Every day I have to leave for practice at 4:10. Between that time I have to get a lot of things done! I have to unpack my backpack for 2 minutes, wash my hands for a minute, eat snack for ten minutes, do my homework for 35 minutes, pet my dogs for ten minutes, take my dogs out for 5 minutes, jump on my trampoline for 20 minutes, go up and change for three minutes, and make my water and snack for practice which takes me four minutes. Will I be able to make practice? (I can’t do anything after practice because I get home at 8:45.)

  9. It takes me 1 day to read a 100 page book. How many minutes does it take me to read book 375 pages long.

  10. At lunch I am drinking lemonade. It is 3% lemon juice and it has 14 grams of sugar. If 2 grams is 1% then how many grams of lemon juice is there? What percent is sugar?

    Bonus: What percent of other ingredients are there?

  11. I want to go to bed at 9:00. It is currently 8:36. If I take 4 minutes to change clothes 2 minutes to brush my teeth and 10 minutes to read what time will I get to bed.

  12. I get home at 2:35. I eat a snack and do my homework for twenty minutes. Then I go outside and play for twenty minutes. After that I watch tv for half an hour. At 6:00 I have softball for two and a half hours. I come home and eat dinner for twenty minutes. once dinner is done I go upstairs and get ready for bed it takes me five minutes. If I go to bed at 9:00 how much free time will I have?

  13. You are having a sleepover with 2 friends. You want to watch lots of movies, but your mom says you have until 11:15. If the time right now is 8:25, and the movies are 1 hour and 27 minutes long, how many whole movies will you watch? Will you have to finish a movie the next morning?

    • You can watch 1 whole movie and you will have to watch 4 minutes of the second movie in the morning. Bonus: Or you could ask your mom for 5 more minutes 🙂

    • You would get to watch 1full movie and finish the last 4 minuets of the second movie in the morning.

  14. Every day I wake up at 6:00am, it takes me 20 minutes to shower, 2 minutes to do my hair, 10 minutes to find socks, 5 minutes to make breakfast,5 minutes to eat it, 5 minutes to get my backpack ready, 5 minutes to find and put on my shoes, and 10 minutes to get out the door.
    My bus comes at 7:05, will I make the bus?

  15. I am going to my grandmas for a week. I can were jeans twice and same goes for pjs but, I can only wear tea shirts once. How many jeans pjs and shirts do I need to pack?

  16. I wake up at 6:00 every morning and my bus comes at 7:00. It takes me fifteen minutes to eat breakfast, five minutes to brush my teeth, nine minutes to get dressed, and ten minutes to pack my lunch and backpack. I also like to walk my dog for about eighteen minutes every morning. I just have to do one last thing, it takes me about four minutes to get my book from upstairs. Will I make the bus?

  17. I eat dinner at 6:30. I go to bed at 9:00. I can watch tv after I do four things. I end up having 30 minutes to watch tv. How long did each thing take?

  18. If I get on the bus at 2:15 and it takes 7 minutes to get home and 15 minutes to do my homework what time can I start playing outside?

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