Our First Week!

See some exciting photos from our very first week together! If you have not already, please don’t forget to join our PTA (here) to support what we do each and every day at CTES!


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Homework 9/12-9/15


Welcome Back!

Hello students and parents-

I’m so very excited to be sharing this year with you! Please see below for a few reminders for the first day. I’m looking forward to seeing you bright and early on Tuesday!

  • ZippSlip- All of your child’s paperwork for this school year can be found here. There is also a link on the CTES website. 
  • Agendas- If you did not purchase one during Back to School, you can send in $5 cash or a check made out to the CTES PTA. They will be made available at some point during the day for your child to purchase. Agendas are part of our daily routine in second grade, so I encourage you to purchase one if you have not done so already!
  • Please join the PTA and donate! The CTES PTA is a vital part of our school and supports many aspects of your child’s education. These are just a few of the activities for which they are responsible::  Promethean Boards (!!), student agendas, IXL and Raz Kids subscriptions, student communication folders, yearbooks, Spirit Nights, Monster Mash Fall Dance, After School Enrichment, and even supplies for your child’s classroom! The link to the PTA website is here for more information, and paperwork will be coming home NEXT WEEK for you to join. If you prefer, you can access forms here and here to print at home and return to school with your child. Thank you in advance for your support!
  • PTA Calendar– bookmark this for important upcoming school events!


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me- email is best for a quick reply- smwillis@henrico.k12.va.us.


Have a great weekend, get lots of rest, and I’ll see you Tuesday!



Ms. Willis

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