Heritage Night

A big thanks to all who came out to see the exciting and informative projects completed for Heritage Night! I enjoyed seeing you there! Please see some of the awesome contributions from our class on our Photos link!

Our Week!

We had a fantastic first week back, I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly your children got back into our daily routines! Here’s what’s on board for next week::

Language Arts:

Math: 2-digit Addition/Subtraction mixed review

    ** please review basic +/- facts nightly with your child, if you don’t have flashcards at home they are available at the dollar store! 

Social Studies: Native Americans: Lakota/Sioux


*Native American Projects due 1/27- help your child remember not to leave this until the last minute!


Coming Up:

1/12- Heritage Night- we have a couple of students signed up to participate, please come out to support our classmates and check out the interesting projects on display!

1/16- Martin Luther King Jr. Day- NO SCHOOL

1/23-1/24 Reading Benchmark Tests

1/27- End of 2nd Quarter- STUDENT HALF DAY




*Bonus Question:: What do you think Ms. Willis did on her snow day Monday? (write this one down please!)


Welcome Back!

Welcome Back, I hope that you had a restful and happy holidays! Can you believe we will be halfway through the year in just 3 more weeks?!? We are jumping right back into the swing of things this week with:

Language Arts: adjectives, r-controlled vowels

Math: 2-digit subtraction, with and without regrouping

Social Studies- Native Americans: Powhatans of the Eastern Woodlands


*Native American Project– please see information sheet coming home today with details and email me with any questions. I look forward to seeing your child’s creativity!


Coming Up:

1/1-1/7 Papa John’s Dollars4Dough Fundraiser; use the code:  CTESCUBS

1/12- Heritage Night- we have a couple of students signed up to participate, please come out to support our classmates and check out the interesting projects on display!


1/16- Martin Luther King Jr. Day- NO SCHOOL

1/23-1/24 Reading Benchmark Tests

1/27- End of 2nd Quarter- STUDENT HALF DAY




*Bonus Question:: What are 3 words that describe your winter break? (write this one down and turn it in!)

This Week

We wrapped up our unit on Habitats this week, culminating with a research assignment and creation of our habitat using recycled materials! Students did a fantastic job, please swing by our blog for pictures!


This Week:

We will learn about holidays celebrated around the world and move into two digit addition (with and without regrouping). In language arts, we are focusing on antonyms. Here are a few important dates for the week:


-Tuesday- Mug Exchange- *optional* send in a new wrapped mug if your child would like to participate!

-Wednesday- Math Science Innovation Center lesson on Matter

-Friday- Jingle Bell Run- dress warmly!


*Bonus Question:: What are 3 synonyms for funny? (note: you can bring your answer in Monday or Tuesday for a punch!)

Bring in a mug!

Your child has probably shared with you that we have partnered with Mrs. Waldenmeier’s class for book buddies this year. We meet once every other week for 30 minutes to buddy read, and occasionally do something seasonal and fun. We will meet with our buddies next Tuesday, and thought it would be fun to have some hot chocolate while they read. I will be providing the cocoa, and we are asking that each child bring in a wrapped mug on or before next Tuesday to participate in a White Elephant exchange (no Christmas themed). You can find these very reasonably at Walmart and Dollar Tree. If you would prefer your child not participate, just let me know and I’ll have a cup ready for them to use. Thanks!

Jingle Bell Run!

Colonial Trail Families,


Our annual Jingle Bell Run will be held on Friday, December 16th! I am looking for volunteers for this very fun event! I would like to have 2-3 volunteers per classroom. Your job would be to help supervise the class during their running time (outside) and supervise the class during their assembly time (inside).


The Jingle Bell Run schedule is as follows:

K-2 Run outside from 8:45-9:30

3-5 Assembly inside from 9:00-9:30


3-5 Run outside from 9:45-10:30

K-2 Assembly inside from 9:45-10:15


Volunteers will meet in the teacher’s classroom by 8:30AM. You will then take their class where they are scheduled to go and be with the class until 10:15 if you are K-2 and 10:30 if you are 3-5. If you would like to volunteer please use this link below. All volunteers are more than welcome to run/walk the course during your class’ outside time. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Coach LeClair!





Thank You!



Tyler LeClair

Health and Physical Education Teacher

Colonial Trail Elementary School

Douglas S. Freeman
Assistant Varsity Baseball Coach



Check out our Changes!

Thanks to your generosity, we brought in the most cans in second grade (267!)!  To celebrate, I got to wear a silly turkey hat at our Turkey Court assembly on Tuesday. This food drive helps ensure that no families in our area are hungry over the holiday. Please check out our new ‘Photos’ tab for some great shots from this week and some additional pictures from our field trip. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and I look forward to seeing students on Monday.

Weekly Updates

We’ve been working on nonfiction reading comprehension, and focusing on reading recipes. Today, students explored following directions (and making substitutions!) to make their own cookie turkey.

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Next week, we will finish up habitats so that we can move on to adaptations after Thanksgiving. In math, we will be wrapping up place value so that we are ready for comparing numbers and rounding. Reading will continue to focus on those nonfiction reading sources (I can’t wait to see all of the recipes!). We will also spiral back to main idea. Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!


Bonus Question: Tell me two differences between the Arctic and the Desert.

VA Living Museum

This is probably my favorite trip of the year, and I’m so glad we had a gorgeous day to explore the exhibits both inside and out! Here are a few pictures from our day, I’ll add more as I receive!


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Dad’s Night at Bowl America!

CTES PTA Dad’s Night Bowling Nov 2016


Calling all Cubs!!  The CTES PTA would like to invite our families to our first Dad’s Night at Bowl America in Short Pump this Friday, November 18th.  Come anytime from 5-8pm to bowl with your kids!  All family members are welcome to come and participate!!!  We have 15 lanes reserved and have two special pricing options just for CTES families:  $10 per person for 2 games and shoe rental  OR  $25 for a private lane, unlimited games for one hour and up to five shoe rentals.  No need to RSVP.   Please look for the PDF flyer in an email from your teacher.  Don’t miss out on the fun with your family and friends!!!  We hope to see you there!! 

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