Week of 2/27/17

Hi parents, please see below for what we’re studying!


  • Language Arts: Compare and Contrast
  • Math: Money- quiz Friday
  • Science: Matter


Dr. Seuss Week (optional participation) 
Monday, Feb. 27th – Mix it up Monday (wear shirts backwards, inside out, etc.)
Tuesday, Feb. 28th – Dress your best! (It’s picture day!)
Wednesday, March 1st – Pajama Day (no slippers)
Thursday, March 2nd – Dress up as your favorite Dr. Seuss character
Friday, March 3rd – Crazy hair day


Coming Up:

2/28- Picture Day- dress your best!

3/1- Student HALF DAY

3/3- Quiz on Money


We are going on a field trip to the Richmond Symphony on March 24th; permission forms will be coming home Monday with  your child. Please return your permission form and exact cash/check to school as soon as possible.  The cost is $8.00 and I will be unable to make change of any sort.  Thank you!


*Bonus Question:: What is the different about the molecules in a solid, liquid, and gas?

Week of 2/21/17

Parents- we are still in need of some tissue donations, if you are able please send in a box with your child!


Here’s our plan for the week::

  • Language Arts: Prefixes
  • Math: Money
  • Social Studies: Famous Americans
  • Science: Matter


Coming Up:


2/22- Famous Americans Test

2/22- Performance by Richmond Ballet, 1pm


*Bonus Question:: What was the system of raised dots used by Helen Keller to read using her fingers?

Valentine Fun Day!

A HUGE thanks to Mrs. Johnson for planning and coordinating, to our parents who volunteered their time to come help, and to so many of you who sent in supplies! Hop on over to our ‘Photo’s page for some fun pictures, the kids had an absolute BLAST!



Week of 2/13/17

Parents!! Cold and Flu season has hit our classroom hard (as I’m sure your child has shared with you!) If you are able, please send in a box of tissues to help us restock our supply! We are good on bleach wipes and hand sanitizer at this time!

Here’s our plan for the week::

Language Arts: subject-verb agreement, Inferencing

Math: Fractions- quiz later this week!

Fact practice homework sheets will be coming home each night to help students work on basic +/- facts

Social Studies: Famous Americans


Coming Up:


2/13 Report Cards Go Home

2/14 Valentine’s Day! Your child is welcome to bring non-edible valentines for the class!

2/15 Yearbook Class Photos

2/20 Student Holiday

2/22- Famous Americans Test



*Bonus Question:: The letters -ed can make 3 sounds at the end of a word (/t/, /d/, /ed/). Write down 2 examples for each.

Spirit Night at Zaxby’s!

Calling all hungry CTES families!  Come to Zaxby’s this Tuesday evening from 5-8pm.  Have a delicious dinner and support CTES!  Mention this attached flyer!  Thank you for your continued support!!!




Week of 2/6/17

Parents!! Cold and Flu season has hit our classroom hard (as I’m sure your child has shared with you!) If you are able, please send in a box of tissues to help us restock our supply! We are good on bleach wipes and hand sanitizer at this time!


Here’s our plan for the week::

Language Arts: sounds of -ed, Author’s Purpose

Math: Fractions

Fact practice homework sheets will be coming home each night to help students work on basic +/- facts

Social Studies: Native Americans- Review for Test (2/7/17), student projects, Famous Americans


Coming Up:


2/7 Native Americans Test

2/10 Scholastic Orders due (flyers going home 2/1)

Cubs Night In! Hope to see you there 🙂

2/13 Report Cards Go Home


*Bonus Question:: What are the 5 parts of a friendly letter? (please write down and turn in)

CTES Cub’s Night In!

CTES Cubs Night In flyer 2017


Cubs Night In is coming on Feb 10th!!! This will be a fun filled night for your child.  We are only taking the first 200 students and slots are filling up fast.  Please send in your RSVP –  ASAP!!!!

Papa John’s Fundraiser!

HI CTES Families!

PTA and Papa John’s have partnered up to raise big funds for Colonial Trail.  The fundraiser starts Tuesday, January 17th and ends Tuesday, January 31st. That’s only 2 weeks to take orders, so make yours today! Our school will receive up to 70% of the proceeds. Wow! The classroom with the highest number of cards ordered wins a PIZZA PARTY for their class.  Please see the below PDF Flyer.                   Let’s go Cubs!

CTES PAPA JOHNS Pizza Cards flyer 2017

Week of 1/31/17

Here’s how we are starting off our third quarter::

Language Arts: sounds of -ed, writing Friendly Letters

Math: Review 2 digit problems, estimation, word problems–Test Friday 2/3/17

Please practice Doubles +1 facts this week!

Social Studies: Native Americans- Review for Test (2/7/17), Projects


Coming Up:

2/1 and 2/2 Math Benchmarks

2/2 Spirit Night at Zaxby’s, 5-8pm

2/10 Scholastic Orders due (flyers going home 2/1)


*Bonus Question:: The word “pueblo” means ___________ .

Week of 1/23/17

We worked very hard this week and accomplished so much! Here’s what’s on board for next week::

Language Arts: Verbs, writing Friendly Letters

Math: Doubles +1 Facts, Word Problems, Estimation

Quiz Friday on 2-digit addition and subtraction

Social Studies: Native Americans: Pueblo

Quiz Thursday on Pueblo

*Native American Projects due 1/27- help your child remember not to leave this until the last minute!

We will have Reading Benchmark tests on Monday and Tuesday. These are cumulative tests to see what your child has learned so far this year. Please make sure your child gets a good breakfast and is at school on time as these start at 8:30!

Coming Up:

1/23-1/24 Reading Benchmark Tests

1/27- End of 2nd Quarter- STUDENT HALF DAY


*Bonus Question:: Write down and solve (show your work!)

  1. 74-29
  2. 36+56


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