Week 7 Update

Hi all! Week 7 was a very good week! We finished sorting by attributes in math. We started learning about graphing and adding and subtracting by 1 and 2. Trevvett has initiated a school wide learning event about graphing. Each month, we will collect data as a class and make our own graph, then send it in to be combined with data from other classes and grade levels! This month’s theme is “What is your class’ favorite Halloween candy?” Our class voted Starburst their favorite!

The students were very proud of the Halloween candy graph we made together!

In reading we practiced making predictions about stories, which the kids found to be really fun! In science we started learning about animal habitats and basic needs of living creatures. We wrote stories about a special place and learned about more digraphs (-ch and -th) and short vowel u.

We had a very special show on Tuesday: dancers from the Richmond Ballet performed Swan Lake for the school. The students LOVED it!

What we are learning next week

Upcoming Dates and Things to Remember:

  • Take a stand against bullying:

             October 22 is Mix It Up Day

             October 23 is Unity Day, Wear Orange!

  • October 24 is the final day to order a Papa John’s pizza for Book or Treat. (If you do not pre-order from this link, there will NOT be pizza available for purchase on the night of Book or Treat) Order here: www.pjcheese.com/mtes
  • Sign up for Breakfast with the Principal October 25. Sign up here.
  • Please send in an empty shoe box for our upcoming animal projects by Thursday, October 24!
  • October 28: Half Day/STEAM Day
  • October 29: Book or Treat
  • October 30: Big Blast Party (Check your child’s folder for a flyer if you would like to volunteer!)

Have a cool and awesome weekend! 😀


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