Welcome to Health and Physical Education 8.
Students in grade eight demonstrate competence in skillful movement in modified, dynamic game/sport situations and in a variety of rhythmic and recreational activities. They transition from modified versions of movement forms to more complex applications across all types of activities. The grade-eight student applies knowledge of major body structures to explain how body systems interact with and respond to physical activity and how structures help the body create movement. Students will explain the relationship between nutrition, activity, and body composition to deepen understanding of energy balance. They will demonstrate socially responsible behavior as they show respect for others, make reasoned and appropriate choices, resist negative peer pressure, and exhibit integrity and fair play to achieve individual and group goals in the physical activity setting. Students are able to set goals, track progress, and participate in physical activities to improve health-related fitness. They have a repertoire of abilities across a variety of game/sport, dance, and recreational pursuits and begin to develop competence in specialized versions of lifelong game/sport activities.
Students in grade eight have an understanding of the origins and causes of diseases, including the relationship between family history and certain health risks. They begin to relate short- and long-term consequences of health choices and apply health skills to specific personal, family, and community health concerns. Students can discern relationships among all components of health and wellness and knowledgeably use consumer information.
The table below shows the breakdown of topics to be taught each marking period.
The links to the Curriculum Map/Pacing guide, lessons and assessments will assist you in teaching the Curriculum for Health and Physical Education 8.
*Note that many of the topics below are covered in unison throughout the 9 weeks.
Health & Physical Education Curriculum Maps/Pacing Guides for Grade 8