Welcome to Health and Physical Education 7.
Students in grade seven continue to develop competence in modified versions of various game/sport, rhythmic, and recreational activities. They vary movement during dynamic and unpredictable game situations. Recreational pursuits become an additional curriculum option, broadening lifelong physical activity options. The ability to analyze skill performance through observing and understanding critical elements (small, isolated parts of the whole skill or movement) is increasingly apparent, as is the application of basic scientific principles of anatomical structures, movement principles, energy balance, and personal fitness. Students relate the importance of physical activity to health, focusing particularly on obesity and stress. Students achieve and maintain personal fitness standards and create plans by setting reasonable and appropriate goals for improvement or maintenance of health-related fitness. Students continue to develop social skills and cooperative behaviors by demonstrating problem solving, conflict resolution, communication skills, appropriate etiquette, integrity, and respect for others.
Students in grade seven generate and choose positive alternatives to risky behaviors. They use skills to resist peer pressure and manage stress and anxiety. Students are able to relate health choices to alertness, feelings, and performance at school or during physical activity. Students exhibit a healthy lifestyle, interpret health information, and promote good health.
The table below shows the breakdown of topics to be taught each marking period.
The links to the Curriculum Map/Pacing guide, lessons and assessments will assist you in teaching the Curriculum for Health and Physical Education 7.
*Note that many of the topics below are covered in unison throughout the 9 weeks.
Health & Physical Education Curriculum Maps/Pacing Guides for Grade 7