Welcome to Health and Physical Education 3-5.
Third Grade:
Skill development remains a central focus for students in grade three as they begin to accept feedback from and provide appropriate feedback to others. Students refine, vary, and combine skills in complex situations and demonstrate more proficient movement patterns in educational games, dance, and gymnastic activities to become confident and competent movers. They develop fitness knowledge and can relate regular physical activity to energy balance and health benefits. Students work cooperatively with peers and understand that there are many differences in movement skill and ability levels among their classmates. Students in grade three learn how health habits impact growth and development. They learn to compare and contrast healthy and unhealthy practices. Students access valid information and begin to understand the relationship between personal decisions and the impact of personal decisions on self and others.
Students in grade three learn how health habits impact growth and development. They learn to compare and contrast healthy and unhealthy practices. Skill building continues as students learn to apply the knowledge of health-risk reduction to the promotion of health. Students access valid information and begin to understand the relationship between personal decisions and the impact of personal decisions on self and others.
Forth Grade:
In grade four, students make continuous progress across all fundamental motor patterns. Proficient movement patterns are possible as students combine locomotor and manipulative skills in increasingly complex situations. Fitness assessment is appropriate at this grade level, and students interpret the results of their assessments and set personal goals based on the results. Students exhibit appropriate etiquette, integrity, and conflict-resolution skills; and they apply proper rules and procedures. Students in grade four learn and apply health skills to the following health areas: disease prevention, nutrition, healthy relationships, and drug-abuse prevention (including alcohol, tobacco, and other harmful substances). Students distinguish fact from fiction and set simple goals for promoting personal health and preventing disease.
Students in grade four learn and apply health skills to the following health areas: disease prevention, nutrition, healthy relationships, and drug-abuse prevention (including alcohol, tobacco, and other harmful substances). Students distinguish fact from fiction and set simple goals for promoting personal health and preventing disease. Students assume personal responsibility for helping promote health at school and in the community.
Fifth Grade:
Students in grade five apply movement principles and concepts and knowledge of anatomical structures and functions to enhance their movement performance, personal fitness, and game strategy and tactics. Students demonstrate specialized skills alone, with a partner, or in a small group. They access and use resources to plan and improve personal fitness as they exhibit a physically active lifestyle. Students continue to develop responsible personal and social behaviors as they work with others in safe and respectful ways. Students in grade five distinguish reliable from unreliable health information and resources. Students’ practices and behaviors demonstrate health knowledge and skills. Emphasis is placed on demonstrating interpersonal skills, assuming responsibility for personal health habits, and practicing behaviors that promote active, healthy lifestyles.
Students in grade five distinguish reliable from unreliable health information and resources. Students’ practices and behaviors demonstrate health knowledge and skills. Emphasis is placed on demonstrating interpersonal skills, assuming responsibility for personal health habits, and practicing behaviors that promote active, healthy lifestyles. Students analyze the influences of advertising and various media on personal and community health.
The table below shows the breakdown of topics to be taught each marking period based on students attending Health & Physical Education class 2 days a week. .
The links to the Curriculum Map/Pacing guide, lessons and assessments will assist you in teaching the Curriculum for Health and Physical Education 3-5.
*Note that many of the topics below are covered in unison throughout the 9 weeks.
Health & Physical Education Curriculum Maps/Pacing Guides for Grades 3-5
MP 1 | MP 2 | MP 3 | MP 4 |
Health & Physical Education Lessons
Assessments can be found at http://www.focusedfitness.org/ and in SchoolSpace |
Health & Physical Education Lessons
Assessments can be found at http://www.focusedfitness.org/ and in SchoolSpace |
Health & Physical Education Lessons
Assessments can be found at http://www.focusedfitness.org/ and in SchoolSpace |
Health & Physical Education Lessons
Assessments can be found at http://www.focusedfitness.org/ and in SchoolSpace |